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Remote SQL Storage

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Handling large shared databases

Synchronization times may get long when working with a large database containing several thousand entries. Therefore, synchronization only happens if several conditions are fulfilled:

  • Edit to another field.
  • Major changes have been made (pasting or deleting more than one character).

Class checks both conditions.

Remaining changes that have not been synchronized yet are saved at closing the database rendering additional closing time. Saving is realized in Following methods account for synchronization modes:

  • pullChanges synchronizes the database unconditionally.
  • pullLastEntryChanges synchronizes only if there are remaining entry changes. It is invoked when closing the shared database (closeSharedDatabase).

Database structure

The following examples base on PostgreSQL. Other databases work similar.

The database structure is created at org.jabref.logic.shared.PostgreSQLProcessor#setUp.

    ENTRY ||--o{ FIELD : contains
    ENTRY {
        serial shared_id
        varchar type
        int version
    FIELD {
        int entry_shared_id
        varchar name
        text value
        varchar key
        text value

The “secret sauce” is the version of an entry. This version is used as version in the sense of an Optimistic Offline Lock, which in turn is a well-established technique to prevent conflicts in concurrent business transactions. It assumes that the chance of conflict is low. Implementation details are found at

The shared_id and version are handled in org.jabref.model.entry.SharedBibEntryData.


PostgreSQL supports to register listeners on the database on changes. (MySQL does not). The listening is implemented at org.jabref.logic.shared.listener.PostgresSQLNotificationListener. It “just” fetches updates from the server when a change occurred there. Thus, the changes are not actively pushed from the server, but still need to be fetched by the client.