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Code reorganization


  • Separate backend
  • Separate GUI code (dialogs) and logic
  • Data is now organized around Citation, CitationGroup instead of arrays for citation group fields, and arrays of arrays for citation fields.
    Also take citationKey as the central data unit, this is what we start with: unresolved citationKeys do not stop processing. Although we cannot sort them by author and year, we can still emit a marker that acts as a placeholder and shows the user the problematic key.




By directories

  • model
    • util : general utilities
      • (OOPair, OOTuple3) collect two or three objects without creating a new class
      • OOResult : while an Optional.empty can comunicate failure, it cannot provide details.
        OOResult allows an arbitrary error object to be provided in case of failure.
      • OOVoidResult : for functions returning no result on success, only diagnostics on failure.
      • OOListUtil: some utilities working on List
    • uno : helpers for various tasks via UNO.
      These are conceptually independent of JabRef code and logic.
    • ootext : to separate decisions on the format of references and citation marks from the actual insertion into the document, the earlier method OOUtil.insertOOFormattedTextAtCurrentLocation was extended to handle new tags that describe actions earlier done in code.
      • This became OOTextIntoOO.write
        • (change) Now all output to the document goes through this, not only those from Layout. This allows the citation markers and jstyle:Title to use these tags.
          • This allows some backward-compatible extensions to jstyle.
            (change) Added some extra keywords, in {prefix}_MARKUP_BEFORE, {prefix}_MARKUP_AFTER pairs to allow bracketing some parts of citation marks with text and/or open/close tag pairs.
      • OOFormat contains helpers to create the appropriate tags
      • OOText formalizes the distinction from String. I did not change String to OOText in old code, (in particular in OOStyle).
    • rangesort : ordering objects that have an XTextRange, optionally with an extra integer to break ties.
      • RangeSort.partitionAndSortRanges : since XTextRangeCompare can only compare XTextRange values in the same XText, we partition them accordingly and only sort within each partition.
      • RangeSortable (interface), RangeSortEntry (implements) :
        When we replace XTextRange of citation marks in footnotes with the range of the footnote mark, multiple citation marks may be mapped to the same location. To preserve the order between these, RangeSortable allows this order to be indicated by returning appropriate indices from getIndexInPosition
      • RangeSortVisual : sort in top-to-bottom left-to-right order.
        Needs a functional XTextViewCursor.
        Works on RangeSortable values.
      • FunctionalTextViewCursor : helper to get a functional XTextViewCursor (cannot always)
      • RangeOverlapWithin : check for overlaps within a set of XTextRange values. Probably O(n*log(n)). Used for all-to-all check of protected ranges.
      • RangeOverlapBetween : check for overlaps between two sets of XTextRange values. Assumes one set is small. O(n*k). Used for checking if the cursor is in a protected range.
    • backend : interfaces to be provided by backends.
      May change as new backends may need different APIs.
    • style : data structures and interfaces used while going from ordered list of citation groups to formatted citation markers and bibliography. Does not communicate with the document. Too long to fit here, starting a new section.


At the core,

  • we have Citation values
    • represented in the document by their citationKey
    • each may have a pageInfo
  • A citation group (CitationGroup) has
    • a list of citations (citationsInStorageOrder)
    • an identifier CitationGroupId cgid
      • this allows to refer to the group
      • also used to associate the group to its citation markers location (outside the style part, in Backend52)
    • OODataModel dataModel is here, in order to handle old (Jabref5.2) structure where pageInfo belonged to CitationGroup not Citation
    • referenceMarkNameForLinking is optional: can be used to crosslink to the citation marker from the bibliography.
  • CitationGroups represents the collection of citation groups.
    Processing starts with creating a CitationGroups instance from the data stored in the document.
  • CitedKey represents a cited source, with ordered back references (using CitationPath) to the corresponding citations.
  • CitedKeys is just an order-preserving collection of CitedKeys that also supports lookup by citationKey. While producing citation markers, we also create a corresponding CitedKeys instance, and store it in CitationGroups.bibliography. This is already sorted, its entries have uniqueLetter or number assigned, but not converted to markup yet.

Common processing steps:

  • We need globalOrder for the citation groups (provided externally) CitationGroups.setGlobalOrder()
  • We need to look up each citationKey in the bibliography databases:
    • CitationGroups.lookupCitations collects the cited keys, looks up each, then distributes the results to the citations. Uses a temporary CitedKeys instance, based on unsorted citations and citation groups.
  • CitationGroups.imposeLocalOrder fills localOrder in each CitationGroup
  • Now we have order of appearance for the citations (globalOrder and localOrder).
    We can create a CitedKeys instance (bibliography) according to this order.
  • For citations numbered in order of first appearance we number the sources and distribute the numbers to the corresponding citations.
  • For citations numbered in order of bibliography, we sort the bibliography, number, distribute.
  • For author-year citations we have to decide on the letters uniqueLetter used to distinguish sources. This needs order of first appearance of the sources and recognizing clashing citation markers. This is done in logic, in OOProcessAuthorYearMarkers.createUniqueLetters()
  • We also mark first appearance of each source (setIsFirstAppearanceOfSourceInCitations)

The entry point for this processing is: OOProcess.produceCitationMarkers.

It fills

  • each CitationGroup.citationMarker
  • CitationGroups.bibliography
    • From bibliography OOFormatBibliography.formatBibliography() creates an OOText ready to be written to the document.


  • StyleLoader : not changed (knows about default styles) Used by GUI
  • OOPreFormatter : LaTeX code to unicode and OOText tags. (not changed)
  • OOBibStyle : is mostly concerned by loading/parsing jstyle files and presenting its pieces to the rest. Originally it also contains code to format numeric and author-year citation markers.
    • Details of their new implementations are in OOBibStyleGetNumCitationMarker and OOBibStyleGetCitationMarker
    • The new implementations
      • support pageInfo for each citation
      • support unresolved citations
      • instead of List<Integer> and (List<BibEntry> plus arrays and database) they expect more self-contained entries List<CitationMarkerNumericEntry>, List<CitationMarkerEntry>.
      • We have distinct methods for getNormalizedCitationMarker(CitationMarkerNormEntry) and getNumCitationMarkerForBibliography(CitationMarkerNumericBibEntry).
      • The corresponding interfaces in model/style:
        • CitationMarkerNumericEntry
        • CitationMarkerEntry
        • CitationMarkerNumericBibEntry
        • CitationMarkerNormEntry
          describe their expected input entries.
  • OOProcess.produceCitationMarkers is the main entry point for style application. Calls to specific implementations in OOProcessCitationKeyMarkers, OOProcessNumericMarkers and OOProcessAuthorYearMarkers according to jstyle flags.


Details of encoding and retrieving data stored in a document as well as the citation maker locations. Also contains dataModel-dependent code (which could probably be moved out once the datamodel is settled).

Creating and finding the bibliography (providing a cursor to write at) should be here too.
These are currently in UpdateBibliography


  • OOFrontend : has a Backend and CitationGroups
    • Its constructor creates a backend, reads data from the document and creates a CitationGroups instance.
    • provides functionality that requires both access to the document and the CitationGroups instance
  • RangeForOverlapCheck used in OOFrontend
  • UpdateBibliography : Create, find and update the bibliography in the document using output from produceCitationMarkers()
  • UpdateCitationMarkers create CitationGroup, update citation markers using output from produceCitationMarkers()


GUI-independent part of implementations of GUI actions.


  • OOError : common error messages and dialog titles
    • adds title to Jabrefexception
    • converts from some common exception types using type-specific message
    • contains some dialog messages that do not correspond to exceptions
  • OOBibBase2 : most activity was moved out from here to parts discussed above.
    • connecting / selecting a document moved to OOBibBaseConnect
    • the rest connects higher parts of the GUI to actions in logic
      • does argument and precondition checking
      • catches all exceptions
      • shows error and warning dialogs
      • adds enterUndoContext, leaveUndoContext around action code